Friday, June 5, 2015

Drawing Away to Draw Near


The sunset during our commute to the Maasai boma
Under the Discipline of study we explored the idea of study retreats of two to three days’ duration. "Such experiences are heightened when they are combined with an inner immersion into the silence of God. Like Jesus, we must go away from people so that we can be truly present when we are with people" (Foster, 108). I am really thankful that I was able to sleep at the Maasai boma because I got to draw away a little bit. The simplicity of that life opened up my eyes. Being able to see all the beautiful stars, listening to the birds chirping, and hearing laugher was really peaceful and warming to me. I had a really good time of solitude with God that night. 
My friend, Tabia

While we did our servant evangelism today, I was so amazed with the land and the people of the land.  We heard the stories of the women of the bomas we visited. These women had many struggles, but they still were willing to receive God's word and prayers. Tabia, a maasai women, told me her story (with translation from Chikoti) and what was struggling with. Even though she was struggling, I felt her joy in the Lord. She sang with her heart and gave glory to God. I feel like the devotion I did the night before did allow me to emphasize more on what what Tabia and the women had to say. It was exactly like what the quote from Foster said. The more time we spend with God, the more we can experience him throughout our day. By drawing away to spend time with God, I was able to draw near to the feelings of others. 

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